Burriscarra National School
In this section, we provide information for parents on 1. What Burriscarra NS has to offer 2. School Uniform 3. Opening Times 4. Catering for Pupils with Additional Needs 5. Our Code of Behaviour 6. Parent-Teacher Meetings.
Burriscarra N.S. is a primary school for children of 4 years and over. We aim to provide a caring, learning environment which facilitates the nurturing and development of each pupil's full educational potential.
Burriscarra N.S. recognises that all pupils are
individuals with different talents, strengths and
needs and we offer a broad, comprehensive
education to all pupils. We hope to nurture a sense
of personal identity, self esteem and awareness of one's particular abilities, aptitudes and limitations combined with a respect for the rights and beliefs of others and to promote excellence and equality in the development of the educational potential of all pupils, including those that are disadvantaged through economic, social, physical or psychological difficulties.
The school uniform consists of navy tracksuit
bottoms (girls can also wear a navy skirt), white
t-shirt and red jumper with school crest which is
available in Elverys Castlebar.
9.00am - to 1:40pm for infants and
9.00am - 2.40pm from 1st class to 6th class.
We aim to provide an atmosphere in which all
children can reach their full potential, where the
individual needs of all children are met, valued and
understood. Our objective is to meet the individual
needs of the children in an inclusive way through a combination of in-class support and individual
withdrawal. We aim to develop positive self-esteem and positive attitudes about school and learning in
all our pupils.
Respect, courtesy and safety are the underlying
values of the School's Code of Behaviour. Children
are encouraged to make good choices and exercise
personal responsibility.
Parent-Teacher meetings are held annually every
November. Parents are welcome to meet with their child's teacher at any time and as often as is
necessary. To facilitate this, it is best to make an
appointment through the office ahead of time.